Monday, August 25, 2008


I thought the members of Roan Server deserved to have some recognition. And what's better than having a good interview?

CherryoBlossom: Hello, you have been selected at random for and interview for my blog, which is about Horse Isle. Would you care to answer some questions?
HoneySong: ok
CherryoBlossom: What is your opinion of the second Horse Isle?
HoneySong: I think its going to be great but im not leaving HI1 until i have to
CherryoBlossom: Do you have any ideas of what they might upgrade in the game?
HoneySong: not guessing rules will be better and there will be more things to have fun with!
HoneySong: and im guesiing there will be different islands or something
CherryoBlossom: If you could have any kind of breed, what would you want?
HoneySong: a chestnut Noriker
CherryoBlossom: Okay, that's it for questions. But if you want, you can have a shout-out for the blog.
HoneySong: uh..ok..
HoneySong: can i get the blog address?
HoneySong: mail it to me?...
CherryoBlossom: Yeah. horseislehospital . blogspot . com
HoneySong: thanks
CherryoBlossom: Welcome!

CherryoBlossom: Hello, you have been selected at random for an interview for my blog, which is about Horse Isle. Would you care to answer some questions?
Question: sure
CherryoBlossom: What do you think about the creators of Horse Isle lowering the amount of wild horses per hour?
Question: I think its a good idea because there are sooo many horsesfor sale now
CherryoBlossom: If you were to make the next companion, what would it most likely be?
Question: Maybe like a wolf
CherryoBlossom: Do you have an opinion about the upcoming Horse Isle 2?
Question: Well since i haven't played it yet I don't know......but it might be a good idea
CherryoBlossom: Well, the game isn't actually out yet. It might be released around next year?
Question: yeah.....i know....i think i heard that in global
CherryoBlossom: Okay, that's it for questions. If you want to type a shout-out for anyone who will read this interview, go ahead. Everything in this interview will not be changed.
Question: um no thanx
CherryoBlossom: Okay, the link is on my profile if you want to look at the other postings on the blog!
Question: kk

CherryoBlossom: Hello, you have been selected at random for an interview for my blog, which is about Horse Isle. Would you care to answer some questions?
Illusion: Sure.
CherryoBlossom: What do you think about the creators of Horse Isle lowering the amount of wild horses per hour?
Illusion: I think it is fine, so people wont be selling or buying horses 24/7. SO we actually have time no to just buy horses, but to play and do quests.
Illusion: sorry I didn't mean to type no in there... XD
Illusion: I mean't not*
CherryoBlossom: If you were to design the next tack set, what would it most likely look like?
Illusion: Regular tack not special tack, kind of like english tack but without the acutal shape of english tack. Something that gives you good stats, but was at a reasonable price.
CherryoBlossom: What are your thoguhts on the second Horse Isle?
Illusion: (There is a second one?)
CherryoBlossom: Mhm. It'll be coming next year, probably.
Illusion: Made by the original makers of this HorseIsle?
CherryoBlossom>Illusion: Yes. They're just making a better version.
Illusion: Well, I can't wait then. It will be fun and more exciting. More breeds, and quests, much more cool.
CherryoBlossom: Okay, that's it for questions. If you want to type a shout-out for anyone who will read this interview, go ahead. Everything in this interview will not be changed.
Illusion: No thanks. :)
Illusion: Glad to help.
CherryoBlossom: Okay, the link is on my profile if you want to look at the other postings on the blog!
Illusion: Ok, thanks. :)

All these interviews have not been changed. They a competely authentic, and word for word was typed by each person. An interview with a mod will be coming soon.

P.S. If you want opinions on a specific question, please leave a comment, and I will be sure to ask your question.


Thursday, August 21, 2008


So, you know how there's usually secret levels and stuff on video games and stuff? Well, Horse Isle has a couple tricks up their sleeves too.

The first one I'm going to reveal, is a pretty neat one, that I didn't know about until a few days ago. So, coming from me, here is-
Secret #1: Ever notice those stone heads on Jungle Isle? They're mostly on the smaller connected isles at the top. Well, dig around them, and in a certain spot, you'll find buried treasures. :D Cool, huh? This only works once though.

Today was when I just learned about this one.
Secret #2: You know that signpost that's about two paces from the Earton bank? Use your dig tool, and there's a treasure thing there too.

This is useful too.
Secret #3: The public fountain in Earton, has a secret treasure buried beneath it. So, go underneath it, and dig! (Only works once.)

Okay, this one, you may or may not already know.
Secret #4: In the middle of the Flower Isle maze, there is a person, who owns a Pegasus! You can do a quest for them, which involves the next secret.

Secret #5: On Horse Isle, there is Tail Forest. If you look, you'll notice two clearings near the bottom of the forest. Wind your way through the forest, and go to the one on the right, and then, when you fingure out the simple code, you'll go to the next clearing, which contains the unicorn! :D

Secret #6: On Hoof Isle (to the southeast of Horse Isle), go to the public fountain, and drink if you're thirsty, then dig on the south side of it.

Secret #7: On Palm Isle (Instructions to isles coming soon), dig above the palm tree.

Last secret!!
Secret #8: On Quiet Isle, dig above the pond.

So I hope you won't go blabbering on about all these awesome secrets I have revealed to you. Share them with your friends, and with someone you might think will need a bit of help. :D

Monday, August 18, 2008


Okay, I'm gonna write out a few tips for the newbies out there.

Oranges are great for when I'm in the desert, horse-hunting. I can pick up quite a few in the patch of trees, so that I can stay in the desert for a long time.

Hay bales are an easy source of money. They are simple to make, and can sell for lots of money. Make them at the big yellow piles, and you need a pitchfork to do so.

Jungle Isle, Tail Isle, Desert Isle, and Snow Isle are places that are great for catching wild horses.

Different types of hay can be made in Carroton.

Make hay bales so you can feed them to your horse to save money when taking them to a barn. To save even more money, let them drink at a pond.

If you travel a lot, don't ride/walk on roads. If you go by land, on the grass, snow, or sand, then you can pick up random items that you can sell later for profit. You also have a better chance of catching the random wild horse.

Do lots of quests, and you will get lots of money.

Tobias' Hazelnut Quest

I've got a quest walk-through for those of you new to Horse Isle. This one is called 'Tobias' Hazelnuts Quest'.

So, walk over to Tobias' cabin in Earton, shown below. (Up from the zebra and rider.)

He'll ask you to get some hazelnuts for him, and so head to Hazel's cabin, also in Earton, shown below. (Left of zebra and rider.)

Then just head back to Tobias' and you're done!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

First Post!

Hey, welcome to the newest addition to a long, long line of Horse Isle guides. I'd like to introduce a few things before I start adding all the info you need to succeed at the online game, Horse Isle.

My account name is CherryoBlossom, and I can be found on the Roan server.

Horse Isle is a fantastic, online game that is a very, very, awesome production of great minds working together. I love playing it, and will use up my free minutes in usually -- a day.

All the tips on this blog is for your use. You can use all of the suggestions, tips, and answers to your pleasure.

I hope this blog will be both useful, and fun for you and me.

Happy Trails!