Monday, August 18, 2008


Okay, I'm gonna write out a few tips for the newbies out there.

Oranges are great for when I'm in the desert, horse-hunting. I can pick up quite a few in the patch of trees, so that I can stay in the desert for a long time.

Hay bales are an easy source of money. They are simple to make, and can sell for lots of money. Make them at the big yellow piles, and you need a pitchfork to do so.

Jungle Isle, Tail Isle, Desert Isle, and Snow Isle are places that are great for catching wild horses.

Different types of hay can be made in Carroton.

Make hay bales so you can feed them to your horse to save money when taking them to a barn. To save even more money, let them drink at a pond.

If you travel a lot, don't ride/walk on roads. If you go by land, on the grass, snow, or sand, then you can pick up random items that you can sell later for profit. You also have a better chance of catching the random wild horse.

Do lots of quests, and you will get lots of money.

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