Thursday, August 14, 2008

First Post!

Hey, welcome to the newest addition to a long, long line of Horse Isle guides. I'd like to introduce a few things before I start adding all the info you need to succeed at the online game, Horse Isle.

My account name is CherryoBlossom, and I can be found on the Roan server.

Horse Isle is a fantastic, online game that is a very, very, awesome production of great minds working together. I love playing it, and will use up my free minutes in usually -- a day.

All the tips on this blog is for your use. You can use all of the suggestions, tips, and answers to your pleasure.

I hope this blog will be both useful, and fun for you and me.

Happy Trails!

1 comment:

pippa.lloyd said...

I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!! its helped me so much!! <3