Monday, September 1, 2008

Instructions to the Isles

This will be very useful to you. It shows you what you need in order to get to certain isles, if you can't get there by boat or wagon.

Ardent - Take the boat from Palm Isle.
Atropos - Take the boat from Palm Isle.
Aesop - Talk to Fittzgerald, near the cacti on Dust
IsleBone Isle - Talk to Hudson in Shellton.
Cloud Isle - Have 75 percent of quests finished (plus the award).Then take 3 giant coconuts to Winchell on Jungle Isle.
Cresent - Talk to Demetrius in Witherton.
Dust Isle - Talk to Dusty. Located on the 3rd isle in the line of Sand Isles.
Eldorado - Talk to Hudson in Shellton. He'll send you to Sara on Bone Isle. She'll send you to Eldorado. Haven Isle - Talk to the dock owner in Shellton.
Hotzeplotz - Talk to Grey Slate in Carrotton.
Igneous Isle- Talk to Patsy on Lava where Sir Sleepwell drops you off.
Lava Isle- Talk to Deidra on Hoof. She sends you to Sir Sleepwell on Patsy Isle who wants 5 wildflowers and 25 percent quests done (have award)
Lilac Isle - Talk to Mr. Tuttle in Shellton.
Loch Isle - Talk to the fish store owner in Treeton
Mare Isle - Talk to Temperence in Treeton.
Never-ending Isles - Take the Luck Dragon by the house on the beach West of Shellton.
Palm Isle - Dig in the north-west corner of Mare Isle.
Paradise Isle - Talk to Robin on Rider Isle.
Pirate Isle- 50 percent quests done, 2 pearls, boats on Bird and Saddle.
Puuhonua Isle- Talk to the Tail Isle shop keeper.
Quiet Isle- Talk to Galvin in Muzzle
Rock Isle - Talk to Mr. Tuttle in Shellton. He'll send you to Bailey on Lilac (you have to search for her). She'll send you to Rock Isle.
Sand Isle - Take the boat from the dock on the north western side of Desert Isle.
Shimmer Isle- Take the boat from Palm Isle.
Spice Isle- Talk to Minnie in the Food Shop in Treeton, she sends you here for a quest.
Spirit Isle - Can only get there by renting a Pegasus.

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