Monday, September 8, 2008

Lava Isle!

I finally made it to Lava Isle!

Here are pics to prove it:

My official award for completing 25% of quest points!

My first look at Lava Isle. (Regular Character)

Lol. The pet rock has my expression!

And, after changing horses and characters, this is the first object I picked up!

So, whoever reads this blog, and you are going to Lava Isle, do this for me. Change your character to a fiery one, ride a black horse, and ride into the pits of the Lava Isle maze!!

Today was also the day that Nyneave became a Mod. :D


Nudge said...

hmm I didn't know there were new mods... interesting!!
And !!Way-To-Go!! on getting your 25% qp award!!


Unknown said...

Good job on your reward! lava is a good isle heh? how do you get the picks on the computer off horseisle? anyway, congrats, this place is really intresting :)
P.S im honeysong from the roan server using my friends blogger account :)

CherryoBlossom said...

I actually just screenshot my images and then crop them in paint.

Unknown said...

Great move!!! I will play this game soon. I usually play the game of horse racing from I am addicted to the game and am always in search of new horse related games.